Pediatrics Videos

Pediatrics Videos


Amblyopia or "lazy eye" is a childhood condition in which one eye's vision is reduced because the connection between that eye and the brain isn't working properly. This video examines how the condition develops and what can be done to correct it.


Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that causes inflammation of the airways. This inflammation, which can be triggered by a variety of substances, makes the airways much narrower and interferes with breathing. This video discusses who is at risk for this condition and how it can be managed.

Child's First Eye Exam

It's important that your child have an eye exam as preparation for entering school. Up to 75 percent of the classroom day is spent with near-work or near-to-far focus, so your eye care professional should assess these skills in the exam. This video outlines the components of a child's eye exam.

Child's Vision Performance

A child needs three important vision skills for the classroom: visual tracking, the ability to move the eye across the page; focus, the ability to move the attention from far to near or near to far; and fusion, the ability of the eyes to determine depth perception. This video discusses symptoms to watch for and vision training that can correct the problem.

Fever in Children Older Than 3 Months

A fever is only a symptom, not an illness. Many minor illnesses in children such as ear infections, colds, the flu, and urinary infections may cause fever. This video offers information on how to take a child's temperature and when a fever is a cause for concern.

Hand Foot And Mouth Disease

Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a contagious viral infection that starts in the throat. It affects children up to age 3 and usually resolves in four to five days without treatment. This video examines how this illness spreads and describes the typical symptoms.

Heart Murmurs

Blood flowing through the heart is usually silent. A heart murmur is blood flow that makes a noise. Turbulent blood flow in or near the heart creates extra heart sounds, which can be heard with a stethoscope. This video explains how a heart murmur occurs and when it is a cause for concern.


Impetigo is a mild skin infection seen most frequently in children. It is caused by skin bacteria, usually staph (staphylococci) or strep (streptococci). This video takes a closer look at this contagious disease.

Lactose Intolerance Pediatric

A child who has difficulty digesting cow's milk has lactose intolerance. Lactose is the main sugar in cow's milk, and the inability to digest lactose is caused by a shortage of the enzyme lactase. This video tells you what to do as a parent if your child has this condition.

Lead Poisoning Screening

Lead can have harmful effects on health because it blocks one of the crucial steps in blood formation. This can cause severe anemia, especially in children. This video explains what a lead screening test is and when it is warranted.


Mononucleosis is an acute infectious disease that affects the respiratory system, the liver, and the lymphatic system. It is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. This video looks at who is at risk for this infection and typical symptoms to watch for.

Otitis Externa

Otitis externa is an infection or inflammation of the outer ear canal, from the eardrum to the outer opening. Two common causes are swimming in contaminated water and inflammation caused by an allergy to hair spray. This video takes a look at other possible causes, recommended treatment, and what you can do to prevent infection.

Otitis Media

Otitis media is an infection involving the middle ear, the area between the eardrum and the eustachian tube. Although the infection can occur at any age, it is most common in infants and children. This video discusses possible causes and recommended treatment.


Ringworm is a general term used to describe a very common type of skin infection. It is not caused by a worm at all, but by a fungus. In this video, you'll learn more about the fungus that causes ringworm and what steps you can take to prevent the infection.


Scoliosis is a condition that causes the spine to curve sideways. It can develop during childhood or adolescence and can range from mild to severe. This video explains how scoliosis occurs and what treatments are available.

Scoliosis (Long)

Scoliosis is a condition that causes the spine to curve sideways. It can develop during childhood or adolescence and can range from mild to severe. This video explains how scoliosis occurs and what treatments are available.

Seizures, Febrile

Febrile seizures, or seizures that occur during a fever, are one of the most common neurologic disorders of childhood. They typically appear between 6 months and 3 years of age. This video looks at the possible causes, typical symptoms, and what you should do as a parent.

Sleep Apnea in Children

A child with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has a partial or complete blockage of the airways during sleep, which causes pauses in breathing. This video explains who is at risk for OSA—it's most common between ages 2 and 7—and what you can do as a parent.