Seasonal Affective Disorder Quiz

Take the Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Quiz

If you notice periods of depression that seem to accompany seasonal changes during the year, you may suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD). This condition is characterized by recurrent episodes of depression alternating with periods of normal or high mood the rest of the year.

1. People with seasonal affective disorder feel sad only during the winter.
2. Women and teens are more likely to develop SAD than others.
3. SAD can be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms mimic those of other illnesses.
4. The hormone estrogen may play a role in SAD.
5. SAD is more common in northern regions.
6. Symptoms of summer SAD include weight loss, difficulty sleeping and poor appetite.
7. A good way to combat winter SAD is to get outdoors every day.
8. For more severe cases of SAD, a health care provider or therapist may prescribe "light therapy."