What Do You Know About Leukemia?

What Do You Know About Leukemia?

Leukemia is a cancer of the blood. A person with leukemia produces abnormal white blood cells that grow out of control and crowd out the normal blood cells. Find out more about leukemia by taking the following quiz, based on information from the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

1. Leukemia is categorized as chronic or acute.
2. Leukemia affects either a type of white cell called a lymphocyte or a type of bone marrow cell called a myeloid cell.
3. Getting too little calcium in your diet is a risk factor for leukemia.
4. Symptoms of leukemia are similar to those of an infection.
5. The medical specialist who treats leukemia is an endocrinologist.
6. People with acute leukemia can be cured.
7. Leukemia is just one of several cancers of the blood.