And the Most Fertile Day of the Year Is…

However, whether you want to blame it on holiday fever or proposal season, it looks like not all of those pregnancies were exactly planned. After surveying 600 women across the country, e.p.t also found out that 45 percent of women said their pregnancies were unplanned—a number that correlates with national data on unplanned pregnancies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


On top of that, nearly 40 percent of women said they were more scared than excited to find out whether they were pregnant (only 30 percent said the opposite), and 55 percent of women who weren’t pregnant were relieved to find out that they didn’t have a bun in the oven. And while 80 percent of women said they found out they were pregnant from a home pregnancy test, only about half said they took the test right after they bought it. 

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Bottom line: If you’re TTC, go for it this weekend. But if you’re not ready to have a baby right now, get top of your birth control game.