Jessica Simpson Tried A New Hairstyle This Week And The Internet Was Not Loving It

“As a fellow 37-year old, I’m not digging the pigtails, but you slay everything else!” one commenter wrote. Others were not as nice in their criticism, with one writing, “cut that hair…so bizarre,” and another, “Beautiful woman….no pigtails please. It is not age appropriate.”

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Meanwhile Jessica’s celebrity friends, like Odette Annabel, chimed in to say, “love!” supporting the superstar’s look. Jessica has yet to comment or defend her look. Another commenter wrote, “Rock the pigtails and embrace your wild and fun side. You look fabulous.”

Channeling my inner school girl #fall17

A post shared by Jessica Simpson (@jessicasimpson) on Oct 17, 2017 at 5:06pm PDT

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Jessica is no stranger to being trolled on social media. She’s been attacked on Instagram for a photo of her daughter in a bikini, which fans felt was sexualizing. People told Jessica on the social media site that she was exploiting her daughter, and although others defended the singer, she ended up deleting the picture.

While pigtails might not be everyone’s style, it’s safe to say that Jessica (like all of us) is entitled to wear her hair pretty much any way she wants. Keep doing you, Jessica.