How a timekeeping gene affects tumor growth depends entirely on context

How a Timekeeping Gene Affects Tumor Growth Depends Entirely on Context

How a Timekeeping Gene Affects Tumor Growth Depends Entirely on Context

When it comes to understanding tumor growth and its underlying mechanisms, scientists have made significant progress in recent years. One area of interest is the role of timekeeping genes in regulating tumor growth. However, it is crucial to note that the impact of these genes on tumor growth depends entirely on the context in which they are expressed.

The Role of Timekeeping Genes

Timekeeping genes, also known as clock genes, are responsible for regulating the body’s internal clock, or circadian rhythm. These genes control various physiological processes, including sleep-wake cycles, hormone production, and metabolism. Recent studies have shown that clock genes can also influence tumor growth and progression.

Research has revealed that disruptions in the circadian rhythm can lead to an increased risk of developing cancer. This suggests that the proper functioning of timekeeping genes is essential for maintaining a healthy balance in the body and preventing abnormal cell growth.

The Dual Role of Timekeeping Genes in Tumor Growth

While timekeeping genes can have both tumor-promoting and tumor-suppressing effects, their impact depends on the specific context. In some cases, clock genes can enhance tumor growth by promoting cell proliferation and inhibiting cell death. On the other hand, they can also act as tumor suppressors by regulating DNA repair mechanisms and preventing the formation of cancerous cells.

For instance, a study published in the Journal of Cancer Research demonstrated that the clock gene PER2 can suppress the growth of breast cancer cells. The researchers found that PER2 inhibits the activity of a protein called AKT, which is known to promote cell survival and proliferation. By suppressing AKT, PER2 effectively slows down tumor growth.

The Influence of External Factors

It is important to consider that the impact of timekeeping genes on tumor growth can be influenced by external factors. Environmental cues, such as light exposure and meal timing, can affect the expression of clock genes and subsequently alter their effects on tumor development.

For example, a study published in the journal Cell Reports demonstrated that altering the feeding schedule of mice with pancreatic cancer affected tumor growth. When the mice were fed during their inactive phase (normally the resting period), tumor growth was significantly reduced compared to those fed during their active phase.


In conclusion, the role of timekeeping genes in tumor growth is complex and context-dependent. While these genes can have both tumor-promoting and tumor-suppressing effects, their influence is highly influenced by external factors and the specific context in which they are expressed. Further research is needed to fully understand the intricate mechanisms underlying the relationship between timekeeping genes and tumor growth. This knowledge can potentially lead to the development of targeted therapies that exploit the circadian rhythm to effectively treat cancer.