Body Image Boosters From The Blogosphere 3.31.13

cherry blossom, etsy, keri bevan

{via etsy by Keri Bevan}

A positive body image goes beyond liking your looks. It encompasses taking good care of yourself and leading a fulfilling life. In this weekly series, I share some of my favorite posts from some of my favorite bloggers on this topic. Sometimes I also share relevant pieces that I’ve written on the Web. Hope you find these links inspiring!

I loved watching Brene Brown on Oprah. She talked about daring greatly, shame, vulnerability and gratitude. Here’s the first and second shows.

Rachel shares 10 powerful journal prompts for well-fed living. This is my favorite:

If there were no ‘shoulds’ and ‘shouldn’ts’ – what hunger of my own would I claim?

What does a Spring Awakening mean to you? What activities will make your list? I love what Rosie has to say:

Spring Awakening is all about savoring the moments, taking big bites of life with my sweet little family and on my own, practicing being present and real and true as often as possible.  It is a reminder to myself of what roots me, what makes me feel good, what feels expansive.

Rosie’s list features everything from picking berries to painting to hiking to reading books with her son.

How to stop feeling guilty about practicing self-care.

I love Andrea’s perspective on the crime of outshining others. She writes:

Part of my healing process has been to surround myself with circles of women who want me to be big, who want me to shine, who want me to be the best version of me. They want this because it inspires them, it lifts them up, it gives them permission to be big as well. They want this because they know that keeping me tethered keeps them tethered too.

Sometimes we have to do a big re-wiring job on our brains. We have to first notice those limiting beliefs- the ones that hold us back from being our true selves, our deepest selves, our shiniest selves. And then we have to say, No more! That belief no longer serves me. It no longer keeps me safe, it actually keeps me down.

And then we write a new story.

Mine is this: The more I shine, the more others shine in my presence. The more success I have, the more I inspire others.

The power of the stories we tell. What stories will you tell yourself today? 

What epic really looks like. An incredible reminder from Meg:

But you should also know that just surviving all of the intensity and grief you have had to survive in this one go-round and still waking up every day and making a play for love is so beautiful it could crush my heart.

Beautiful words from Vivienne:

Self-love isn’t a utopian place we arrive at, it is layers and years of showing up for yourself.

But sometimes, some days we get to pause and look back and weep in gratitude and in grief and all the emotions in between

for the journey of being human and learning to see yourself with love.

Can you fully accept your body and want to lose weight?  (I love this video from Anna!!)

What inspiring pieces have you read this week? What are you hungry for? What will you include on your spring awakening list? 


And they are apparently too stupid to realize how easy it is to ensure they are called out for their bad behavior.



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    Last reviewed: 31 Mar 2013


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