How to Manage Your Enemies

Once a diagnosis like this has been made, silt is thrown into a gears of what ought to be a uniformly regulating operation.

Consider a evidence apparatus we have grown for a customer companies.

We learn people to demeanour during dual attribute together continuums: umbrella and conditional.  Step #1 is to allot a work attribute to a correct continuum.



Our operational clarification of Friends is “unconditional trust.”

Work Friends do not need sequence charts, remuneration systems, or pursuit descriptions.   Real Friends during work are rare. The work universe is strait driven and idea oriented.  It is a oppressive dirt to favour a plant of Friendship.  Former U.S. President Harry Truman might have not been off a symbol when he pronounced of Washington, D.C. relationships:  “If we wish a Friend, get a dog.”


“Unconditional mistrust” is a clarification of Enemies.  You can count on them to work opposite your interests regardless of your behavior.  They wish we out of a sequence and zero reduction will infer them.  We see Friends and Enemies as existent along a common attribute continuum called “unconditional.”  

In a work universe that is mostly unpredictable, short-term, and strait focused, a constellation of job-related relations constantly changes.  Enemies and Friends, on a other hand, are a North Stars.  Reliable Enemies can be some-more calming than inconstant Chums.

Sometimes, leaders favour enemies.  At a institutional level, carrying absolute enemies gives zest, self-definition, and consistency:  Coke needs Pepsi; Venezuela needs a United States.  Haven’t we seen this work during your possess company?

The many formidable partial of a work with leaders is to yield them with an design approach to know that they have improperly misdiagnosed an Adversary as an Enemy.  We find people are demure to let go their Enemies!


If Friends and Enemies are rare, afterwards Allies and Adversaries are common.  These are redeeming relationships.  Adversaries work opposite your interests to allege their self-interest.  If their self-interest changes, Adversaries can simply spin Allies.  For example:

The heads of Sales and a conduct of Manufacturing are mostly Adversaries since of opposite organic responsibilities and opposite remuneration objectives. One is evaluated on a basement of tip line expansion and a other is evaluated on a basement of producing arguable products as low as possible.  Change a remuneration complement for both to augmenting net income over a 3 year duration and we will see a certain change in collaboration.


When Adversaries/Allies have small romantic fastening with any other, they are called Colleagues. 

When Adversaries or Allies have a certain romantic feeling towards any other, they are called Chums. 

Two CEOs of competing secretly hold companies go to a same golf bar and suffer personification with any other.  They have sensitively purchased condos in a same building and take vacations during a same time so that they can be with any other.

Chums can fast spin Adversaries if it suits them.


Below are 4 common attribute government errors we see regulating a evidence tool: 

Failure to Differentiate Enemies From Adversaries.

One of a hardest issues in attribute government is accurate sequence of Enemies contra Adversaries. Accurate diagnosis is tough since Enemies infrequently cover-up as Adversaries.  For example:

“I privately like Jane.  we cruise Jane is a really efficient in a slight technical sense, but…….” 

Few of your Enemies would be blunt adequate to say, “I cruise we are a disaster for this sequence and we wish we out of it.  And there is zero we can do to change my mind.”

We find a following doubt of value in assisting clients compute Enemies From Adversaries:

Within a final eighteen months, can we cruise of a time when this chairman was understanding or modernized your objectives?

If a answer is “Yes, though she had an distant motivate all along,” afterwards cruise a chairman is an Adversary.  If a answer is “No,” afterwards cruise that this chairman is an Enemy.

By subjecting relations to a unchanging standard, a clients a horizon to make an accurate classification.  This sequence is critical.  Once we systematise a chairman as an Adversary, we can concentration your courtesy on ways to spin a chairman into an Ally.

Once we systematise a chairman as an Enemy, a Enemy’s depart is a usually certain solution. 

Failure to Presume Chumship.

The default attribute in business is Chumship.  Friends don’t gash any other in a back.  Chums will do so if it serves their interests. 

The split between Friendship and Chumship is a behavioral exam over time.  For example:   

Jane was dismissed and had a clarity of profanation as dual work Friends no longer returned her calls.  In a work with Jane we ask what is a vicious doctrine to be learned: dual people let Jane down contra Jane’s misdiagnosis of dual relationships?

Trying to Turn Enemies Into Friends.

Do not rubbish wanting time or domestic collateral perplexing to spin Enemies into Friends.  Enemies tend to sojourn Enemies.  As mentioned earlier, Enemies yield any other zest, self-definition, and predictability in an indeterminate world.   

Leaders can’t equivocate creation Enemies.  And they can’t equivocate traffic with them.  If we strait understanding with Enemies, demeanour during a Allies that approximate your Enemies.  Focus on them.   

 For example:

Paula was Director of a vicious PL Center.  She was both indignant and vexed when she schooled that a CEO had promoted her counterpart Ralph to spin her boss.  She deliberate Ralph an Enemy and believed a feeling was mutual.  Her feeling towards Ralph was reliable when she asked Ralph how she could be of best assistance to him during a subsequent twelve months.  Ralph’s response was, “First infer yourself to me and afterwards I’ll tell you.” 

Rather than work directly with Ralph, she conveyed to a CEO and a COO that she was dissatisfied with a preference and deliberate it a vigilance that she ought to be looking for career opportunities outward a company.  She distributed that they would rather she be partial of a government group of a association than directly competing opposite a association during a end of her non-compete agreement.

Paula was eliminated to another division.

Failure to Nurture Allies

The biggest attribute government disaster we see is disaster to maintain Allies. Friends do not need to stay connected to be friends.  But Allies have a strait relationship.  Do not take their destiny support for granted.  

We suggest a systematic “Stay in Touch” module with your tip 20% allies.

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