Men: You Want More Inches…Gain Status!

While several studies have explored a tallness advantage in several settings (e.g., that high organisation are some-more expected to be CEOs of vast companies; a welfare that women reason for taller organisation as impending mates), an emanate that has been addressed most reduction frequently is a tallness notice of a same male as a duty of a standing that is ascribed to him. In other words, if we were to take a same individual, and report him as carrying low or high status, would people guess his tallness differently opposite standing conditions?

This is precisely a investigate that Wilson conducted some-more than 4 decades ago. A lady was introduced to one of 5 groups of students (n = 22 in any group) in one of 5 ways: as a student, a demonstrator, a lecturer, a comparison lecturer, or a professor. Once a particular had left a room, a participants were asked to guess his tallness to a nearest half-inch. Here are a commentary (in half-inches) opposite a 5 conditions (see Table 1, p. 99 for a full details).


Student: 139.727

Demonstrator: 140.772

Lecturer: 141.727

Senior Lecturer: 143.138

Professor: 144.636

The means opposite a 5 groups were statistically opposite from one another (p .001). Subsequent pair-wise comparisons (see Table 2, p. 100 for a full statistical results) suggested a following statistically poignant differences (p . 05) between:

Student and Senior Lecturer

Student and Professor

Demonstrator and Senior Lecturer

Demonstrator and Professor

Lecturer and Professor

In other words, while adjacent standing levels did not produce any statistically poignant differences in viewed tallness estimates, once a ascribed standing disproportion was equal to dual or some-more grades, poignant effects were found. This is good news for me, as we am a “height challenged” male though we am a chaired full professor…I am tall!

Please cruise following me on Twitter (@GadSaad). If we are meddlesome in examination my TEDx speak on The Consuming Instinct, click here to watch it, and do widespread a word!

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academic status, amp, ceos, demonstrator, doctoral student, documentary, gentleman, tallness advantage, meddlesome readers, lecturer, men’s viewed height, some-more than 4 decades, oldie, paul r wilson, perception, preference, professor, impending mates, psychology articles, psychology today, psychology currently articles, comparison lecturer, amicable psychology, amicable status, student, high men

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