Physicists Tie Water Into Knots

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Flora Lichtman, a match and handling editor for video is here with our…

FLORA LICHTMAN, BYLINE: Video Pick of a Week.

FLATOW: You’ve got it.

LICHTMAN: we got it.

FLATOW: Let me usually remind everybody that I’m Ira Flatow with Flora. This is SCIENCE FRIDAY from NPR. And a Video Pick…

LICHTMAN: This week, Ira, it’s out there. This one’s loopy. That’s a joke, and you’re going to find out why.

FLATOW: It’s literally loopy.

LICHTMAN: It’s literally loopy.

FLATOW: You’re not – we were looking during me observant loopy. So…




LICHTMAN: The Video Pick. The Video Pick this week is a investigate that seemed in Nature Physics from William Irvine and Dustin Kleckner during a University of Chicago. They’re physicists, and they did a systematic first, they believe, that is they tied H2O into a knot.

FLATOW: They tied H2O into a knot.

LICHTMAN: What could that even mean, we competence be thinking.


FLATOW: You have to see it.

LICHTMAN: You have to see it.

FLATOW: You have to see it. It’s on a website adult there during But…

LICHTMAN: It’s unequivocally neat. OK. Here’s how we can know or here’s how we did. If we take a fume ring, people are informed with these, these spiral rings, right?

FLATOW: Right.

LICHTMAN: So a kind of donuts of smoke. And afterwards we were means to turn that flow, a glass upsurge into a pretzel, we would have what these researchers have created.

FLATOW: Like a knot, a pretzel – tied adult into a pretzel.

LICHTMAN: A pretzel of froth and water.

FLATOW: So we can see a froth – so it starts out like a fume ring and afterwards gets disfigured into a pretzel of bubbles?



LICHTMAN: …here’s out here’s how it works. They – and this is partial of a creation of this study.


LICHTMAN: They printed these 3 – regulating a 3-D printer. 3-D printer saves a day again, right?

FLATOW: Of course.

LICHTMAN: These wings, they demeanour arrange of like disfigured – it looks a lot like a pretzel, nonetheless in a wing figure and it traces a outline of a knot. And afterwards they put that in H2O and small froth trustworthy to it and afterwards they accelerate it unequivocally quick and a froth fly off and a H2O flows in this curled glass flow. You have to see it. It’s…

FLATOW: You have to see it. You know, and one of a fun tools about a video, that is adult there on a Video Pick of a Week during, is also examination them blow fume rings out of a cannon. When we speak about…

LICHTMAN: There’s an combined bonus. That was from Dan (Unintelligible) in University of Maryland, usually semi-related. But, we know, a same idea. The suspicion is to know how fluids flow, and this is an idea, this suspicion of knottiness of fluid, so atmosphere or water, had been suggested over a hundred a years ago by Lord Kelvin. So it’s an aged idea, nonetheless no one had managed to indeed make one of these in a lab until now. And a reason, we know, even – it’s kind of out there and engaging on a own, nonetheless there are also applications. For instance, a sun’s corona, that we might have seen from NASA, these pleasing images of a sun…

FLATOW: Oh, yeah.

LICHTMAN: …with these projectiles of plasma, those are suspicion to be gnarled too. And so partial of this is perplexing to know what happens to these curled liquids. Do a knots untie? If they untie, how do they untie? Do we preserve knottiness? That’s a idea. Maybe knottiness doesn’t utterly go away. Maybe it has to be translated into twisting. So there’s unequivocally some engaging questions lifted by this – engaging earthy questions.

FLATOW: You can’t make this during home, though, right? You can’t make these burble knots on your possess during home, we don’t consider yet.

LICHTMAN: You’ve got to have a unequivocally – we was perplexing to consider if we could do like a fume ring with your tongue – we don’t consider so.


FLATOW: No, no. Blow a fume ring…

LICHTMAN: It’s approach too complicated.

FLATOW: By a way, what’s also beautiful about a video adult there is that there are these 3 dimensional – we go around them, right?

LICHTMAN: Yeah. Thanks for bringing that up, since we consider one of a many extraordinary tools of this investigate is how they design to this. OK. So initial of all we’re articulate unequivocally high-speed video. But afterwards to see a tangle of glass – they use froth to see it – nonetheless they have to do it unequivocally quick and with a laser. So a laser scans opposite a burble knot, we know, many times over a march of a second. we consider it’s like a hundred times, creation these sheets of images and afterwards they are built together digitally so that we have a 3D design of what a tangle looks like. And afterwards we can fly around a knot.

FLATOW: It’s like a CAT indicate of – a CAT indicate but a X-rays.

LICHTMAN: Exactly.

FLATOW: It’s like a CAT indicate of a 3D – and we fly around there and it’s all adult there on a Video Pick of a Week. If we wish to – beside a cannon that shoots these good smokes.

LICHTMAN: Ira, we unequivocally adore a cannon.

FLATOW: we adore a cannon part. The 3 dimensional burble images. How we take froth and they turn them into a pretzel is utterly fascinating, Flora. Thank you.

LICHTMAN: Thanks, Ira.

FLATOW: So a Video Pick of a Week adult there on a website during and also we can get them downloaded onto your app. We have a video app that we can get adult there. We have a new SCIENCE FRIDAY app adult there on iTunes, code new. It’s got good new facilities on it. we wish to make certain we download it.

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