Texas Man Takes Last Stand Against Keystone XL Pipeline

  • David Daniel, an easterly Texas landowner, was so dynamic to retard a Keystone XL tube from entrance by his timberland that he built an elaborate network of treehouses 8 stories above a ground.

  • Daniel started building a tree encampment behind in Mar and says that his credentials as a playground performer helped in formulating a elaborate web of platforms and tragedy lines. This was Daniel's final mount in a prolonged conflict with TransCanada, a association that's building a revoke apportionment of a Keystone XL pipeline.

  • Ron Seifert, a spokeperson for a Tar Sands Blockade, sneaks by a woods in an try to equivocate being speckled by TransCanada security. For 80 days dual dozen protesters with a Tar Sands Blockade took turns vital adult in a trees.

  • The Keystone XL tube now cuts by Daniel's skill and a intelligible stream, that Daniel used to splash from, is pale and murky.

  • The tree-sit didn't stop a tube though it did means TransCanada to pierce a tube 100 feet divided from a due easement.

  • The Tar Sands Blockade protesters hang banners from a 100-foot-long catwalk. There are a sum of 7 structures swinging in a canopy of a trees with some-more than 500 feet of handle joining them.

  • The protesters spent many of their time in a trees sleeping and reading.

  • Grace Cagle, a 22-year-old protester, rappels down from a tree village. She spent a sum of 17 days in a trees and was arrested once, and spent a night in jail.

  • Jimmy Wooley, a private confidence ensure hired by TransCanada, watches over a construction.

  • TransCanada's inundate lights run via a night.

An easterly Texas landowner was so dynamic to retard a Keystone XL tube from entrance by his timberland that he took to his trees and built an elaborate network of treehouses 8 stories above a ground.

“It popped into my conduct a prolonged time ago, actually,” says 45-year-old David Daniel. “If we had to mount my boundary on tip of a tree and lay there, we would. It started with that.”

David Daniel, an easterly Texas landowner,  built an elaborate network of treehouses in an try to stop a Keystone XL tube form entrance by his property.

David Daniel, an easterly Texas landowner, built an elaborate network of treehouses in an try to stop a Keystone XL tube form entrance by his property.

Maggie Starbard/NPR

It incited out to be Daniel’s final mount in a prolonged conflict opposite a Keystone XL, a tube plan that would move oil from Canada all a approach to refineries in a Texas Gulf Coast.

And he lost.

But Daniel’s impassioned efforts prominence a anguish that people around a nation are confronting as new pipelines are built so a incomparable apportionment of oil can come from Canada and into a U.S.

“It feels really invasive, though a existence is that it happens all around a United States. It’s not singular to usually Texas,” says Amy Jaffe, an appetite consultant from a University of California, Davis. “The bottom line is, it’s open good since we use so most oil in this nation that we can’t means in a tide lifestyle to spin down infrastructure. We’re all participating in that by removing in a car.”

An Airborne Fortress

When we visited Daniel this summer during his 20-acre widespread outward a city of Winnesboro, he pronounced he was training that a connect sands oil a tube will lift is a “whole new monster.”

He disturbed not usually about losing a large aged trees he loves, though also about what would occur to his family if a tube burst, and a thick, unwashed wanton flowed out.

He pronounced he had lots of questions that a tube association wouldn’t answer.

He was also gripping a tip from me: a shaggy canopies of his high oaks were stealing treehouses and platforms that he was building to stymie construction crews when they showed adult on his property.

Whistle-blower John Bolenbaugh wades by thick sand in a Kalamazoo River looking for leftover traces of oil from a Jul 2010 Enbridge oil sands tube spill.

We walked right underneath them a initial time we visited. When we returned this month, we saw a network of 7 treehouses and platforms that were connected with cables and ropes. They stretched opposite 500 feet.

Think of it as an airborne fortress.

Daniel didn’t have any income to quarrel in a courts. But he did have skills really few people have. He used to work for a playground and mostly fraudulent a high-wire that he’d float a motorcycle opposite and a 50-foot-high tallness he’d burst from after lighting himself on fire.

Daniel is now a carpenter. Even so, building structures so high in trees took months.

He says it was an heated time for him, since of all a unknowns, and it shows. He looks comparison and some-more weary than he did a few months earlier. His red brave is shaggier.

Fighting The Law

Around September, a tube association spied a treehouses from a helicopter. “Actually we schooled from a air. We have an aerial unit that flies a right of way, looking for any changes, and low and behold, one day there were blue tarps and wires adult in a trees,” says David Dodson, a orator for TransCanada, a association that is building a pipeline.

When TransCanada’s organisation arrived to start construction, Daniel was there to retard them. TransCanada immediately sued Daniel for preventing a work, and a internal decider put a proxy confining sequence on him, as Dodson says, “to get him to concede us justly and rightly onto a easement.”

Lots of people have listened about a debate over a northern territory of a Keystone XL tube — that territory is still available capitulation from a sovereign government. But Dodson points out that President Obama has permitted a southern widen of a pipeline.

“America needs energy, and it needs appetite security, and that’s what this plan is about,” Dodson says.

TransCanada’s lawsuit suggests a association competence find adult to $500,000 in damages.

That knocked a quarrel out of Daniel. He and TransCanada struck an agreement, that conjunction Daniel nor a association will discuss.

As a result, Daniel never got to criticism in his trees. But a criticism went on though him.

Staging A Tree-sit

For 80 days, a integrate dozen protesters took turns vital adult in Daniel’s treehouses. Some wore masks to censor their identities. TransCanada, in a lawsuit it filed opposite a protesters, calls them eco-terrorists and put 24-hour confidence guards around a tube track to strengthen a equipment.

Grace Cagle, a protester with a Tar Sands Blockade, has spent a sum of 17 days adult in a trees.

Grace Cagle, a protester with a Tar Sands Blockade, has spent a sum of 17 days adult in a trees.

Maggie Starbard/NPR

On a cold Dec day progressing this month, one of a protesters, Grace Cagle, 22, climbs down from a largest treehouse, an elaborate structure 3 stories tall.

She traverses from one tree to another on cables and ropes, climbs down a wire ladder and bounces off a case to land on a tallness about 10 feet above a ground. She greets me afterwards puts on a special climbing device so she can open behind adult into a tree if TransCanada’s confidence guards — off-duty state military — come too close.

Cagle stretches out on a tallness so my microphone can strech her. She looks a bit like a cat on a mantel.

Last spring, right after she graduated from North Texas University, Cagle helped form a organisation called a Tar Sands Blockade. They were looking for a place to theatre a criticism and sought out David Daniel.

She says Daniel’s trees are usually one of several reasons she’s opposite connect sands oil. To get a thick wanton out of a ground, companies transparent cut forests in Canada and use lots of energy. So connect sands oil has a bigger hothouse gas footprint than required crude.

“I watched YouTube videos about it and it usually pennyless my heart. And, we was, like, this creates no sense. Why are they doing this?” she says.

Cagle says she’s spent 17 days, on and off, adult in Daniel’s trees. She’s had some formidable moments. Her misfortune concerned a outrageous appurtenance with a hulk scratch for ripping out trees.

“They gathering this appurtenance true adult to a bottom of a tree that we was in. And we was, like, oh my god, they’re going to kill me?” she remembers.

She jumped out onto a wire between dual trees and hung there from her harness, about 80 feet above a ground. The platforms are high to make it tough to bravery out a protesters, though a tallness also creates things some-more precarious.

“And we watched them there cut down a timberland around me, and we sat there totally usually like vulnerable, like swinging in a air,” she says. “And it was like a hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

The criticism saved a patch of timberland closest to Daniel’s house, though it didn’t stop a pipeline. The association usually changed it over by 100 feet.

A Futile Effort?

Loud construction noises fill Daniel’s timberland as we travel by it progressing this month. Daniel leads me to a pool that had been so purify when we visited during a summer that he drank from it in front of me.

The tide that runs by Daniel's skill is now pale and murky.

The tide that runs by Daniel’s skill is now pale and murky.

Maggie Starbard/NPR

“Not going to occur today,” he says. “It’s cloudy, murky, milky, nasty. Wouldn’t splash out of it. Wouldn’t let my dog splash out of it.”

We get to a clearing in his timberland a distance of a four-lane highway. Earth movers are digging trenches. A immature siren 3 feet in hole stretches as distant as we can see. Daniel points out dual large stacks of huge tree trunks — what’s left of this swath of his forest.

Daniel winces. “I don’t consider anybody would like to see a drop of their home. That’s what it is,” he says.

But Jaffe, a UC Davis appetite expert, says a efforts were not as fatuous as they competence seem. Because of high form protests opposite connect sands, companies in Canada are operative on technologies to revoke their hothouse gas footprint.

“The immature lady who went adult in a trees should feel happy,” Jaffe says. “She competence not have been means to stop a pipeline, though she positively sent a summary to Alberta producers.”

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