The Original Paleo Diet Involved Eating Other People

The team noticed “cut marks, pits, and notches” in the bones, which indicate they had been bitten into by humans. “The remains indicate processes of skinning, cutting up, and extraction of the bone marrow,” according to the press release on the study. Ewww.

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The scientists don’t have details on what else these cave-dwellers were consuming, so it’s unclear whether the cannibalistic habits were for purely for sustenance or if they were part of some kind of ritual.

RELATED: 7 Things No One Tells You About Going Paleo

Although we can assume that modern Paleo practitioners won’t be gnawing on their fellow humans, there are other reasons to abstain from the diet, including the fact that it could actually lead to weight gain and deficiencies in calcium, riboflavin, and thiamin (most likely due to the lack of dairy). If you decide to give the hunter-gatherer plan a whirl, it’s important to find other sources to ensure you’re getting all the key nutrients your body needs.

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