Why It’s So Important for You to Register to Vote This Year

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We believe that we’re all better off when women’s voices are heard, but according to data from the Center for American Women and Politics, a lot of us are staying silent when it really counts: Only 63.7 percent of eligible women voted in the 2012 presidential election. And despite the fact that millennial women have the ability to be an insanely powerful force at the polls, only 45 percent of those 18 to 24 marked their ballots in 2012.

This year, we want to change that. So we’re extending the invitation to over 67 million women—across all ages, life stages, income brackets, ethnicities, and political belief systems—to rally around one singular message: #OurVoteCounts.

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As the number of days between now and November 8 dwindles, it’s time to make registering to vote a top priority on your to-do list. Luckily, we’ve made it super-easy for you to register right here. You’ll be done in mere minutes (promise)—and then you can share your reason for registering with #OurVoteCounts on Instagram. So go, register, and make your voice and your vote count.