Why traditional cooking isn’t always healthier

Why traditional cooking isn’t always healthier

Why traditional cooking isn’t always healthier

Traditional cooking has long been associated with health and nutrition. However, when it comes to the diets of Ghanaians living in Manchester and in Accra, traditional cooking may not always be the healthiest option. This article explores the reasons behind this phenomenon and sheds light on the impact of cultural adaptation on dietary choices.

The Influence of Cultural Adaptation

When Ghanaians migrate to Manchester, they often face challenges in finding the same ingredients and spices used in traditional Ghanaian cooking. As a result, they may resort to using substitutes or modifying recipes to fit the available resources. This adaptation can lead to changes in the nutritional value of the dishes.

In Accra, traditional cooking methods often involve the use of fresh ingredients, such as vegetables, fruits, and lean meats. However, in Manchester, Ghanaians may have limited access to fresh produce and may rely more on processed or canned foods. These processed foods are often high in sodium, unhealthy fats, and preservatives, which can have negative effects on health.

The Impact of Lifestyle Changes

Another factor contributing to the shift in dietary habits among Ghanaians in Manchester is the adoption of a sedentary lifestyle. In Ghana, physical activity is often a part of daily life, with people walking or cycling to work and engaging in various outdoor activities. However, in Manchester, where transportation is primarily car-based and work environments are more sedentary, Ghanaians may experience a decrease in physical activity levels.

This decrease in physical activity, combined with the consumption of less nutritious foods, can lead to weight gain and an increased risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

Educational Initiatives and Health Promotion

To address the health challenges faced by Ghanaians in Manchester and in Accra, educational initiatives and health promotion campaigns are crucial. These initiatives should focus on raising awareness about the importance of maintaining a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity.

Additionally, efforts should be made to improve access to fresh and nutritious foods in both Manchester and Accra. This can be achieved through collaborations with local farmers, community gardens, and initiatives that promote sustainable agriculture.


While traditional cooking is often associated with health and nutrition, the case of Ghanaians in Manchester and in Accra highlights the need for a nuanced understanding of dietary choices. Cultural adaptation, limited access to fresh ingredients, and lifestyle changes all contribute to the shift towards less healthy diets.

By promoting education, raising awareness, and improving access to nutritious foods, we can work towards ensuring that traditional cooking remains a healthy and sustainable option for Ghanaians, both in Manchester and in Accra.