How to Explore the effects of dasatinib, quercetin, and fisetin on DNA methylation clocks

Exploring the Effects of Dasatinib, Quercetin, and Fisetin on DNA Methylation Clocks

Exploring the Effects of Dasatinib, Quercetin, and Fisetin on DNA Methylation Clocks

DNA methylation clocks have emerged as a promising tool for assessing biological age and predicting age-related diseases. Recent research has shown that certain compounds, such as dasatinib, quercetin, and fisetin, may have an impact on DNA methylation clocks and potentially slow down the aging process.


Dasatinib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor that has been studied for its potential anti-aging effects. Research suggests that dasatinib may help to reset DNA methylation patterns, which could in turn influence the aging process at a molecular level.


Quercetin is a flavonoid found in various fruits and vegetables known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have indicated that quercetin may have the ability to modulate DNA methylation patterns, potentially impacting the aging process and age-related diseases.


Fisetin is a natural compound found in fruits such as strawberries and apples. Research has shown that fisetin may have anti-aging properties, including the ability to influence DNA methylation clocks. By targeting specific epigenetic mechanisms, fisetin could potentially slow down the aging process.


Exploring the effects of dasatinib, quercetin, and fisetin on DNA methylation clocks opens up new possibilities for understanding and potentially influencing the aging process. Further research is needed to fully elucidate the mechanisms by which these compounds impact DNA methylation patterns and their potential benefits for promoting healthy aging.