All of Your Curiosities About Face Fillers Answered

You’ve probably caught enough Real Housewives episodes to know a little about what are medically known as dermal fillers: Your dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon injects one of these substances directly into your crow’s feet, smile lines, or other euphemistically named facial creases. Almost immediately, wrinkles are smoothed over, forehead creases vanish, and cheeks get a boost in volume. There’s a lot more to them than this, though, so if you’re curious (yet not quite ready to bite the bullet and schedule an informational visit with a doctor), get schooled with our cheat sheet below.

There Are Two Basic Types
Facial fillers generally fall into two categories: natural and synthetic. Natural fillers include products made with hyaluronic acid, a substance the body produces to plump up facial skin and lips. Brand names include Restylane, Perlane, and Juvederm, says New York City dermatologist Albert Lefkovits, M.D. Collagen is also natural; it’s made from purified cow skin (and sometimes human skin). And your own fat, harvested from another body part, can be injected into your face to get rid of lines and add contour.

On the synthetic side are popular fillers like Sculptra and Radiesse. All are FDA-approved and considered safe and effective, and your derm can fill you in (ha) on which is best for you based on the facial area you want to target.

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Botox Is a Little Different
Made with the botulism toxin, botox isn’t actually a facial filler—it’s more like a facial freezer. This substance smoothes out skin by temporarily immobilizing muscles so wrinkles and creases can’t form, says Lefkovits. Though typically used to fill out broad areas like the forehead, Botox also has a rep as an effective treatment for actual medical conditions, including excessive sweating, overactive bladder, and even migraines, according to the Mayo Clinic.

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The Effect Is Only Temporary
Most fillers are made from materials that are eventually reabsorbed by the body, which is why they’re billed as temporary and don’t last forever. So if you like the way they fill out and smooth over your face, you’ll need to go back to your derm periodically for more treatments—most fillers need touchups once or twice a year, says Lefkovits.

They Do Come with Side Effects
Remember, getting a facial filler means having a substance injected into your body. Though side effects aren’t crazy common, they still happen—the most typical being bruising or bleeding under the skin at the site of injection, says Lefkovits. “Taking vitamin E or aspirin for a few days before you get the injection can reduce the odds of bleeding or bruising,” he says. Allergic reactions are also possible, as is localized infection or a rash at the injection site, reports the FDA. It adds that most side effects happen soon after injection and clear up within a few weeks.

Fillers Can Be Pricey (and Out of Pocket)
As you may have guessed, facial fillers don’t exactly fall into the category of medical care the Affordable Care Act mandates that insurance companies cover. That means you typically have to pay out of pocket, and when you factor in your derm’s office visit fee, costs can add up. Treatment with Restalyne, Perlane, and other hyaluronic acid injections can run about $600; other synthetic fillers can hover at about a grand, with an injection of your own harvested fat topping out at about $1,600, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

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