Jessica Simpson Refused To Let The Fat-Shamers Bring Her Down

Jessica Simpson won’t let Hollywood’s unrealistic beauty standards get in the way of her happiness.

In an interview with InStyle, the 34-year-old recalled when her weight gain became the focus of tabloids in 2011. But, with the help of her supportive husband, former NFL player Eric Johnson, Simpson handled the haters in the best possible way:

I’d been scrutinized about my weight before I got pregnant, so I refused to let anyone steal the joy of my babies. My husband and I were looking at old pictures recently, and I asked him, ‘Babe, why didn’t you tell me to put the brownie down?’ He said, ‘You looked great.’ He’s always loved every curve on my body. And we’ve always had a healthy sex life.

These days, the singer-turned-fashion-designer says she follows a strict workout regimen, which includes cardio and strength training. But the mother of two told InStyle her fit lifestyle isn’t about hitting a number on a scale.

“I worked really hard because I wanted to appreciate being in a wedding gown again,” she said of her marriage to Johnson in July. “I wanted to enjoy it like I did the first time. But I didn’t have a weight goal; I just wanted to look healthy.”

After becoming a spokesperson for Weight Watchers in 2011, Simpson announced she had hit her goal weight in March 2014. It looks like the proud mama also stays active with fun trips to the beach with daughter Maxwell, as evidenced by this adorable Instagram she posted on Sunday:

A January Swim #FEARLESS

A photo posted by Jessica Simpson (@jessicasimpson) on Jan 1, 2015 at 10:22pm PST