Sat-Fat Bait And Switch

Almost every study claiming to show the failings of low-fat diets is itself an egregious failure when viewed objectively. As a matter of routine, diets are called “low” fat but are nothing of the sort, and while “lower” in fat, may not otherwise be designed to be good diets. In other words, the “low fat” comparison diets are routinely straw men, designed from the outset to go up in smoke. A long-term, randomized comparison of an optimal, plant-exclusive diet that happens to be very low in total fat to an optimal Mediterranean diet quite high in total fat would be extremely interesting, but to date-no such trial has been run. The evidence we do have, from observational epidemiology and the fates of whole populations over generations, indicates that wholesome foods, mostly plants, in sensible combinations produce comparably enviable outcomes whether low in total fat, high in total fat, or in between. Admittedly- that makes for lousy click-bait.