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What is blockchain?

Blockchain is a record-keeping technology designed to make it impossible to hack the system or forge the data stored on it, thereIt is a type of distributed ledger technology (DLT), a digital system for recording transactions and related data in multiple places at the same time. Each computer in a blockchain network maintains a copy of the ledger to prevent a single point of failure, and all copies are updated and validated simultaneously.

Blockchain is also considered a type of database but differs substantially from conventional databases in how it stores and manages information. Instead of storing data in rows, columns, tables and files as traditional databases do, blockchain stores data in blocks that are digitally chained together. In addition, a blockchain is a decentralized database managed The cryptocurrency Bitcoin, launched in 2009, was the first popular application to successfully use blockchain. As a result, blockchain has been most often associated with Bitcoin and alternatives such as Dogecoin and Bitcoin Cash.

However, the use of blockchain has expanded to other applications since Bitcoin’s inception.

Logistics companies use blockchain to track and trace goods as they move through the supply chain. Government central banks and the global financial community have been testing blockchain technology as a foundation for digital currency exchange. And various industries, including the legal community and entertainment, are using blockchain as the basis for smart contracts and other mechanisms for transferring and protecting intellectual property rights.

In fact, many industries are now exploring blockchain-based applications as a secure and cost-effective way to create and manage a distributed database and maintain records for digital transactions of all types.

As a result, blockchain is increasingly viewed as a solution for securely tracking and sharing data between multiple business entities.