Tattoos and Body Piercing Quiz

What Do You Know About Tattoos and Body Piercing?

Tattooing has been performed as a decorative practice since ancient times. It is now also being used for some cosmetic medical procedures and for permanent make-up applications.

1. How is a tattoo applied to the skin?
2. How long does it take the tattoo to heal?
3. What health problems may be associated with getting a tattoo?
4. Tattoos are permanent, but as time passes, they may no longer be desired. Why?
5. With difficulty, some tattoos can be removed. What procedure is used to do this?
6. When checking out tattoo shops, what should you look for?
7. How can you find a reputable tattooist?
8. Besides the ear, what is one of the most common sites among women for body piercing?
9. Which problem(s) can develop from a body piercing?
10. Besides cleanliness and good hygiene, what else should a piercing shop offer?