Reye's Syndrome Quiz

Take the Reye's Syndrome Quiz

Reye's syndrome is a disease that affects all the organs, but causes the most harm to the brain and the liver. The disease was first officially identified more than 40 years ago by a doctor in North Carolina, although it has been around for at least 70 years. Find out more about the disease by taking this quiz, based on information from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and the American Liver Foundation.

1. Reye's syndrome primarily affects which age group?
2. Which part of the body is affected the most by Reye's syndrome?
3. What are symptoms of Reye's syndrome?
4. Which illness often precedes the development of Reye's syndrome?
5. What is Reye's syndrome often confused with?
6. At what time of year is Reye's syndrome more likely to occur?
7. ALT (alanine aminotransaminase), formerly called SGPT (serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase), is elevated in cases of Reye's syndrome. What does this test measure?
8. What is the treatment for Reye's syndrome?