Back Care Quiz

What Do You Know About Taking Care of Your Back?

Oh, my aching back! Back pain is one of the most common complaints patients bring to the doctor's office. But how serious is it? Take this quiz and see how much you know about back care.

1. How many vertebrae are in the spinal column?
2. How many Americans will experience back pain in their lifetime?
3. What's the most common cause of backaches?
4. Which article of women's clothing stresses the back the most?
5. Which of these symptoms may indicate a serious back strain or injury?
6. How long should you rest in bed if you experience back pain?
7. Which of these is the proper way to avoid straining your back when you lift a heavy object?
8. An older woman who experiences localized back pain may be suffering from which of these?
9. Which position rests your back best when you sleep?
10. What's the best way to prevent lower-back pain?