Day: February 18, 2021

Long Covid: MPs call for compensation for key workers

The cross-party group of MPs – backed by the British Medical Association and members of the House of Lords – wants the government to follow the example of countries including Spain, France, Germany, Belgium and Denmark, which formally recognise Covid as an “occupational disease”.

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Covid-19: Record number of students apply for nursing

“Funnily enough, the pandemic has made me want to work in hospitals, despite what my friends who currently work at Derriford Hospital have said. And despite the news, it’s actually made me want to go into hospital even more, and help even more, so it doesn’t scare me at all. In fact, I’m really excited Read More

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When being too fit can be BAD for you

Can you ever be too fit? It may sound unlikely, but actually you can have too much of a good thing when it comes to exercise, especially if you are tall. And that may be particularly true when it comes to the risk of developing a common heart condition: atrial fibrillation (AF), which affects around Read More

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