
An introduction to intelligent document processing for CIOs

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Different kinds of transformation

IDP transforms the content, context, relationships and entities buried in documents into meaningful structured data, said Bruce Orcutt, senior vice president of product marketing at ABBYY, an IDP vendor.

Bruce OrcuttBruce Orcutt

According to Orcutt, IDP enables three kinds of intelligence: vision, understanding and insight. Vision relates to the ability to digitize text in a document, apply image analysis to optimize readability of images and analyze the structural makeup of a document Applications like robotic process automation (RPA), CRM, ERP and business process management (BPM) all need assistance in automating processes involving documents, emails and other unstructured data. IDP can apply vision, understanding and insight to integrate documents like an invoice, purchase order or bill of lading into other types of enterprise applications.