?How to Get Rid of Dandruff

Seen your fair share of products that flake on their promises to get rid of dandruff? After squeezing through bottle after bottle of shampoo with no results, you may even be questioning if there’s anything that will stop the embarrassing white sprinkles from appearing on your scalp, shoulders, and everywhere else.

Here’s the deal: Dandruff is caused due to a yeast that sets up shop on your scalp. (Before you freak out—everyone has it!) However, when there’s too much yeast, that leads to irritation and inflammation, and eventually the flaking off of dead skin cells—that’s the dandruff. It may seem hopeless, but according to Angela Lamb, M.D., an assistant professor of dermatology at Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, there are hair-washing remedies that can help. “You need something that can treat the underlying cause—key ingredients for that are ketozonazole and salicylic acid—and something that has tea tree oil, which is soothing,” Lamb says.

Below, Lamb and other dermatologists give their go-to recommendations to help you fight the flakes.