?The Best One Pieces For Women With Big Boobs

One pieces are everything right now. They’ve moved on from being a mom thing to a super-sexy style that shows off your bod in all the right ways—no matter your shape or size. Jennifer Lopez, Ashley Graham, Selena Gomez, and Kylie Jenner are just a few celebs who prove that the one piece is where it’s at.

The catch is that, for as figure-flattering as the style is, it can be difficult to find one that offers a superior fit. After all, you’re asking a single piece of fabric to drape over all parts of your body just right. Then, if you have big boobs, you also need one that will offer support but not completely squish those babies down.

We scoured the Internet for the best one pieces if you have a big chest. These aren’t your grandma’s swimsuits. Some are pretty high cut when you want to show off a little booty, while others dip in front to give a glimpse of the girls. What they all have in common is that they are designed to support large busts with strategically tied straps, underwires, mesh-encircled bras, and more. They also generally go up to a DD or beyond (even G in some cases!).

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Besides the bust, they also feel like a second skin. That’s because these options use technologically advanced fabrics to smooth lumps and bumps and keep everything sucked in. In short, these one pieces work wonders. So skip the agony of trying on a ton of swimsuits in awful lighting at the store, and pick up one of these six picks: