?The OTC Acne Treatments Dermatologists Actually Use Themselves

When you get a honking zit or a breakout across your chin or nose, you probably think, “Ugh, not again.” Well, guess what? So do dermatologists. Luckily, they have the experience to know just how to take care of pimples that pop up and prevent new ones from forming in the first place.

They have access to tons of products—so you know anything derms choose to use on themselves are the best of the best. And sometimes they’re right there with you, picking up over-the-counter zit zappers, too. There are a few ingredients that they prioritize to keep pores clear of clogging debris (think: salicylic acid, glycolic acid), while others are great for killing p. acnes bacteria that causes pimples to erupt (bless benzoyl peroxide).

In addition to snatching up top-notch OTC products containing these ingredients, you may also consider connecting up with your dermatologist for something stronger. Jennifer MacGregor, M.D., a dermatologist at Union Dermatology in New York City, often prescribes her acne-prone patients topical Aczone (7.5 percent), a topical medication that contains an acne-fighter called dapsone. “It’s non-irritating, works on multiple types of acne, and works well with other OTC topical skin care products,” she says.

We turned to six dermatologists about the products that they recommend for patients—and like to use on their own skin when issues arise. From face washes to creams, spot treatments, and an entire acne-fighting system, here are the ones that contain the need-to-have ingredients that actually work to clear your skin. Use them consistently, and we can pretty much guarantee you’ll see a difference in your complexion.