13 Of The Best Movies To Watch When You’re In A Bad Mood

“A Goofy Movie” 
Because I’m 8 years old and the ending is so good. And they are dogs! Like how hilarious is that? — Chanel Parks, Associate Lifestyle Editor

“The Princess Bride”
At the risk of sounding like Stefon here, this movie has EVERYTHING. Pirates, swordplay, rodents of unusual size, Billy Crystal, true love! And I’m prepared to argue that in the history of film, there’s never been a better line than “Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.” — Abby Williams, Associate Social Media Editor

“27 Dresses”
I don’t know if it’s Jane’s Type A demeanor that’s incredibly similar to my own or Kevin’s snarky commentary on the wedding industry, but this so-bad-it’s-good romcom always makes me happy. It also helps that I know almost every single line in the movie and recite them as it goes along. It’s pretty much a game to me at this point. — Lindsay Holmes, Healthy Living Editor