19 Easy AF Lunches That Can Help You Lose Weight

When you’re trying to shed pounds, lunchtime can be a real battle. While you might have pinned literally thousands of lunch ideas in hopes of slaying your brown bag game, sometimes (most times) laziness gets the best of us.

“Although there doesn’t seem to be anything special about lunch, consuming regular, healthy meals and reducing snacking may promote a healthier body weight,” says Tom Hritz, Ph.D., R.D., clinical nutrition manager at Mercy Hospital at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Aiming for three healthy meals a day, including lunch, can help maintain appetite-regulating hormones and keep your blood sugar stable, making it even easier to resist cravings when they strike, says Hritz.

RELATED: 6 Nutritionists Share Their Go-To Healthy Lunches for Insanely Busy Days

So to keep your second meal of the day on point, we’re bringing you 19 healthy and easy lunches that you can actually get excited about.