25 Questions I Ask Myself Before Bed

I will be upfront and tell you that this is a bit personal. But, if you hang in there with me, I think you will find it of value. I have struggled with my weight and my feelings about my weight for most of my life. About 10 years ago I figured out my own formula for a healthy balance and relationship with my weight. Don’t worry, this is not about some diet plan. Over the past few years, I’ve lost that balance and both my weight and my relationship with myself have suffered. Oddly, this is happening at a time where all other aspects of my life are at high points. My wife and I are transitioning into empty nesters and finding that we actually like hanging out with one another, phew! Our kids have blossomed into these incredible young adults. We love where we live, have great friends, and I have never been more energized or passionate about what I do for a living. Yet, my relationship with my weight sits in the background and casts its shadow on my happiness. It is like going outside on a beautiful day and gazing into the blue sky only to realize that it is not as crisp or as clear as it should be. You recognize that pollution is preventing you from seeing its beauty in its clearest and truest form. That is what this is, emotional pollution, and it is time to do something about it!