3 Ways To Tone Your Chest And Shoulders Without Doing A Single Pushup Or Plank

There’s no question that pushups and planks sculpt the chest, shoulders, and core. Most trainers would even consider these moves among their favorites. On the bright side, neither requires pressing weight overhead, which can be an issue for those with shoulder restrictions. But the downside is that pushups and planks, amplified by gravity, can seriously stress muscles and joints. And you don’t have to be carrying extra pounds to feel pain in your wrists—people of all sizes report wrist pain from these exercises. (Try these 8 moves that sculpt gorgeous arms without killing your wrists.)

If you’re looking for exercises that take the pressure off your wrists, or if you recently had a C-section and your core muscles can’t support pushups or planks at this time, these three exercises make great substitutions. You’ll need dumbbells and a resistance band (a kettlebell is optional). Do three sets of 12 repetitions each, three days per week.