4 High Heel Horror Stories That Will Make You Reconsider Everything

At this point, it’s hard to ignore the facts about the negative health effects of high heels. They can lead to hammertoes, bunions, plantar fasciitis and even muscle strains and joint problems. Yet many women continue to wear towering stilettos.

That said, you’d be hard pressed to find a heel-wearing woman who doesn’t have an embarrassing story to tell. 

We asked our readers to share their high heel horror stories, and boy were there some doozies. Take this one, from Facebook user Janine Pacheco: “I wore 5-inch heels in a snowstorm, stepped into some snow thinking it was just a coating, but it was about 8 to 10 inches deep. I twisted my ankle and tore everything in it. Couldn’t walk for about 12 weeks. Thirteen years later and it’s still a disaster.”

If that doesn’t paint enough of a picture for you, we had Emily Brickel Edelson (founder of the app Chic Sketch) illustrate three of the other most treacherous tales. If this doesn’t make you reconsider high heels, nothing will.