5 Celebrities Who’ve Decided To Freeze Their Eggs

Once upon a time, the majority of women got married right after high school and started popping out kids not long after. But these days, many women want to have a career and experience life before they commit to baby making…if they even want to have children at all.

Unfortunately, biology has other ideas. And since fertility waits for no one, a growing number of women are choosing to freeze their eggs in their twenties and thirties in hopes that they’ll have more options down the road. 

Fertility specialist Daniel B. Shapiro, M.D., of Reproductive Biology Associates, says egg freezing is going “way up” in popularity and an increased awareness of it helps. While some companies like Apple and Google now compensate their employees for freezing their eggs, Shapiro expects that it will eventually become a more widespread offering.

Costs vary depending on where you go, but experts say it can set you back about $10,000, plus a few hundred dollars each year in storage fees.

Despite the hefty upfront costs, a growing number of women are opting in—including celebrities. Here are just a few who opened up about freezing their eggs: