5 Unexpected Ways People Around the Country Are Finding Love

1. Okhlahoma: Socially Awkward Singles
Ever find yourself tongue-tied trying to chat up a hottie at a party? You’re not alone. The most popular mixer in Oklahoma is for social awkward singles. Luckily, mixers allows you to host a virtual meetup, so you can be “social” right from your couch. Grool.

2. Seattle: Nerds Into Nerds
Nothing is cooler than nerd love, but we’ll ‘fess up that we were surprised that Seattle, not Silicon Valley, was the place where geeks were seeking geeks. Here’s to hoping that Mr. Right is also into Mr. Robot. 

3. Las Vegas: Piercings and Tattoos
Want to get lucky in Sin City? Gambling might not be your best bet. Most people are talking ink and piercings, so if you want to hook up, you might need to get tatted up first.

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4. Miami: Fitness Fanatics
Are you into long runs on the beach? This popular Miami group might land you a guy—or at least a running partner.

5. Los Angeles: Serious Relationships
If all those Bachelor casting calls are leaving you in need of some TLC, you’re in luck. Folks in L.A. are looking for lasting love. The most popular mixer room is filled with people who are in the market for a LTR.