56 Today!

June 30th, the day the calendar year ends, the day contracts expire, the fiscal year ends… that is the day I made my appearance into this world! This June 30th was my 56th birthday and an idea popped into my head: I’m going to get a photo shoot done on my birthday. And I did. My friend and amazing photographer Jesse Lane Sparrow ([email protected]) and I went to the Yew Dell Botanical Gardens (http://www.yewdellgardens.org/main-page.html). I took two dresses with me, and put on the floral one and off we went in search of beautiful vistas in which to take the pictures. And we found many. This is a beautiful place, it was my first time there, but surely not my last. I celebrate my age with these pictures. This is the youngest I will ever be and I am enjoying it. And I tell myself that we are beautiful, no matter what our age. In our teens and twenties, we had the beauty of a freshly blooming rose. In our 30’s and 40’s, we were like the old fashioned cabbage roses. And now in our 50’s, we continue blooming. We are so fortunate to be alive, vibrant, beautiful, and full of wisdom. Having lived 56 years, and having gone through many burdensome and sad things, I feel I have matured and become wise, although I still have a very young spirit. I feel the freedom from many things that comes with age, freedom from obsessing about my looks, my weight, being “popular,” and freedom from having to prove myself.