6 Inspiring Stories Of Extreme Forgiveness

A child born in the 50s, I seemed caught between two worlds … the old world post-WWII and the new world that was coming into being, the swinging 60s. My parents were forever stuck with what was.

My mother, herself the product of an unstable home, a father who had died and left her on her own and a mother who was committed to a mental hospital, had no idea what to do with a strong-willed child who just wanted to live her own life as she saw fit no matter what the cost. My father, the product of an emotionally absent father and an emotionally smothering mother, had no idea how to parent at all. He turned to alcohol when I was very young. All I knew in my younger years was that nothing was forever and if I didn’t get what I wanted when I asked for it immediately, I was never going to get it.

There were fights, and words that were thrown around that I had never even heard before. I didn’t know until much later that people can actually sit down and have a meal together and not throw food at the wall or across the room.

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