6 Signs Your Fall Allergies Might Be Something More Serious

Fall allergies don’t get as much attention as their spring counterpart, but they can suck just as much. Itchy eyes, a runny nose, cough, and just overall feelings of crumminess come with the territory.

“As the weather turns colder, different allergens become more prominent,” says Scott Rickert, M.D., a professor and otolaryngologist at New York University Langone Medical, citing ragweed, mold (which can build up in wet leaves), and some trees as big issues for sufferers.

Of course, if you feel yucky and have allergy-like symptoms, it’s natural to assume that it’s due to fall allergies. But allergist Neeta Ogden, M.D., a spokesperson for the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, says she regularly sees people who think they’re suffering from allergies but actually have another health issue.

Here are the biggest signs that your “fall allergies” are a sign of a different medical condition: