6 Struggles Only Moms With OCD Will Understand

From Redbook

If you’re one of 40 million people who suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder, you know how all-consuming it can be. But if you’re a mom with OCD, the universe becomes an even more complex place: Your priority may be parenting, but that doesn’t mean your fears, obsessions, and compulsive behaviors simply vanish into the wind once you give birth.

The National Institute of Mental Health defines OCD as a “common, chronic, and long-lasting” disorder that compels a person to perform an action repeatedly as a response to anxiety and obsessive thoughts. One-third of people experience symptoms in childhood, with the majority realizing their OCD by age 19. While therapy can help subdue some behaviors, there is no cure for OCD – which means there are more moms than you probably think who are trying hard to quell their OCD behaviors (not always with success) while juggling a newborn, toddler, and the family dog.

They’re not alone. These seven moms opened up about some of the struggles they face raising children while living with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

“I fear the worst thing will always happen. One example: One day, some high school kids were sitting on my parents’ stoop listening to obscene music. They seemed like troublemakers and I asked them if I could help them. When they responded ‘no,’ I asked if they could lower the music because my kid was sleeping. The rest of the night I wouldn’t allow my daughter near the windows because I legit was afraid of them coming back to shoot up the house. I can talk myself down from most of this, but it is getting progressively worse as I get older so I know that I probably will be treated for it at some point of my life.” -Christina M., Queens, N.Y.

“I get really worried when my kid touches anything. I’ve always had a thing about hand germs and hate shaking people’s hands. The minute I had a baby and realized a lot of other people think nothing of touching your child, I felt a lot of anxiety and feared my baby would get sick. I remember one day where I was at the park following my toddler around with hand wipes. Every time she touched anything – the swing, the slide, and even dirt – I imagined all of the other people who touched those things and hadn’t washed their hands after going to the bathroom. Seriously, that’s all I could think about. I can get so lost in these thoughts that it totally takes away from the experience of watching my child have a good time at the park.” -Angie R., Phoenix, AZ

“I won’t let my kids eat at other people’s houses. I dread being invited to people’s houses for dinner, especially with my kids, because I can feel myself tense up to the point where I feel like I’m going to cry when I see them use utensils and eat off plates that I haven’t washed. I don’t know if it’s just a control thing, but I carry plastic utensils in my bag and have turned down invitations because I can’t get past this fear.” -Paige M., Hoboken, N.J.

“I get freaked out when things are out of place. I’ve always liked things in my house (furniture, towels) a certain way, and obviously having two small children messes with that obsession. When my children were babies, it was easier for me to rearrange their toys so that all of the stuffed animals’ faces pointed in one direction (which is a thing for me). But now that they’re a little older, I have found myself spending, literally, two hours organizing toys and furniture, only to have them messed up later. One time I got so anxious because of this that I started crying and had to be by myself for a while to calm down. My husband notices when I start to get anxious about organizing things, but instead of doing it for me he refuses to bow down to my OCD and instead makes a point of sitting with me and talking me through it. I’m also in therapy.” -Megan L., Orlando, Fl

“I make my husband throw things out. Throwing out anything with sentimental value, even something like my child’s homework if she put a lot of effort into it, makes me feel terrible. I feel like I could be getting rid of something that will mean something to her, even though I know inside she isn’t going to want 1,000 math worksheets when she becomes an adult! I stress about it so much that my husband has made it his job to go through papers and old toys and get rid of or donate what we don’t need. I’ve hidden a few of my daughter’s baby outfits because I can’t part with them and was too embarrassed to admit it. I’m getting help for this, but in the meantime, I’m grateful I have a partner who understands, helps, and doesn’t make me feel bad.” -Jen S., Miami, Fl