6 Ways to Lower Your Blood Sugar Naturally

Americans have a big problem with blood sugar: Nearly half of us have levels that put us in the diabetic or pre-diabetic category, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

High blood sugar is a time bomb that increases the risk of heart disease and can also lead to life-altering complications, including nerve damage, kidney failure, blindness, circulatory problems, and possibly even dementia.

“One problem is that diabetes is an asymptomatic disease, so a lot of people don’t even know they have it,” Dr. Ajay Rao, an endocrinologist and diabetes specialist at Temple University Medical School, tells Newsmax Health. “It’s an exploding epidemic that comes from poor nutrition and lifestyle habits in industrialized countries.”

Rao notes that studies show the best way to control blood sugar and manage diabetes is to eat a healthy low-carb, low-sugar diet and increase your exercise level. But a lot of people would rather just take a pill. And while the medications are effective in lowering blood sugar levels, Rao notes they all have “potential side effects.”

But he adds that there is a middle ground: A combination of a less “laborious regimen of daily exercise and changes in dietary intake” along natural remedies can make all the difference.

Several herbal remedies that have been proven effective through scientific studies, and they typically don’t carry the baggage of harmful side effects of drugs.

“Allopathic physicians are cognizant that some of the traditional stuff probably helps, but because they are not regulated, it’s hard to know what you’re getting,” notes Rao. “That said, we know we need help in this area, so taking an herb that isn’t harmful may be worth a try.”

Here are some natural ways to get your blood sugar levels under control. Just be sure to check with your doctor before trying anything, and monitor your blood glucose level to avoid it dropping too low — a dangerous condition called hypoglycemia.

Berberine. This compound is found in several plants, including goldenseal, Oregon grape, philodendron, and tree turmeric. Berberine (BBR) lowers blood sugar by activating a protein that helps to regulate metabolism. A review published in the International Journal of Endocrinology says that BBR is effective in “improving insulin resistance, promoting insulin secretion, and reducing intestinal absorption of glucose,” among other benefits.

Gymnema. This climbing plant grows in India and has been used to treat diabetes for more than 2,000 years. It kills a person’s ability to taste sweetness, but is thought to reduce blood sugar by stimulating the pancreas to produce insulin. A study published in the Diabetes in Control Newsletter found that 65 diabetics taking a gymnema supplement extract in a 90-day trial experienced a “positive result.” It adds that the supplement “appears to improve glycemic control… therefore reducing the complications from diabetes.”

Malabar gourd. Researchers say that an extract from the seeds of this plant in the cucumber family revive pancreatic cells to boost their insulin-producing capabilities, thus lowering the risk of Type 2 diabetes. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology notes that “oral administration of [the extract] was followed by a significant decrease in blood glucose levels.” Experts say it works fast — blood sugar levels should drop within a week.

Neem leaf. Long considered to be one of the safest medicinal herbs, neem leaf has been shown to lower blood glucose in several studies. One suggested that it can reduce the need for insulin injections by 20 percent to 50 percent. Another native of India that’s long been used in traditional medicine, neem leaf works by improving insulin sensitivity, allowing the body to better regulate sugar levels. It also helps improve circulation, which can be problematic in diabetics.

Fenugreek. The small brown seeds from this plant have been used as both a spice and medicine since the days of ancient Egypt. Experts say fenugreek seeds help with diabetes because they’re high in fiber, amino acids, and other compounds that are thought to slow digestion and the body’s absorption of carbohydrates and sugar. The seeds may also promote insulin production.

Regular fare. Foods that you can find in the local supermarket also have a track record for reducing blood sugar. They include cinnamon, nuts, avocado, garlic, tart cherries, blueberries, and apple cider vinegar.