7 Intense Celebrity Workouts You Probably Never Want To Try

Stars: They’re just like us!

Except, really, they’re not at all like us, no matter how relatable they may sometimes seem.

Case in point: celebrity workouts. Who really has time to dance for eight hours per day? Or spend four hours at the gym? Obviously, working out and staying fit is a big part of their job, which is why so many of them swear by such intense workouts. But ultimately, the fact is, for most people, working out like a celebrity isn’t necessarily sustainable or realistic.

“You have to go at your own level,” says Carrie Underwood’s trainer Erin Oprea. “Just because a certain celebrity follows a routine doesn’t mean that it will keep your attention. You have to find a workout that fits your lifestyle and activity level.” 

Below, find seven intense workouts we’ll leave to the celebrities.