7 Tips for Crushing the Whole30 Diet From the Woman Who Invented It

I decided to share my experience on my blog and offer my readers the general rules I had followed: cutting out all added sugar (real or artificial), alcohol, grains, legumes, dairy, as well as carrageenan, MSG, and sulfites. Hundreds of people decided to try the protocol for themselves and, in July 2009, the Whole30 was born.

RELATED: ‘How the Whole30 Helped Me Lose 25 Pounds and Keep It Off for More Than a Year’ 

The Whole30 is, at its heart, an elimination diet designed to help identify food sensitivities and unhealthy relationships with foods. The diet removes foods that the scientific literature and our clinical experience have found to be commonly problematic (to varying degrees) across a broad range of people.

But you can’t figure out how these foods are actually impacting your health, habits, and relationship with food if you’re still eating a little bit here and there. After all, if you have food sensitivities, a single bite can be enough to throw your whole body out of whack. You have to completely eliminate them (like, 100 percent!) for 30 full days. Then, carefully reintroduce them, one at a time, making note of how you feel and any potential symptoms like an upset stomach. This is the only way to know for sure how these common trigger foods affect you.


To be clear, the Whole30 isn’t a weight-loss diet. However, 96 percent of people who complete the Whole30 do lose, on average, between six and 15 pounds. That’s because the diet is designed to make you healthy from the inside out, changing your tastes, eliminating cravings, restoring healthy blood sugar regulation and hormonal balance, improving digestion, calming the immune system, and reducing inflammation—all of which brings healthy, effortless, and sustainable weight loss. What’s more, many of the foods the diet eliminates tend to trigger cravings and overeating and contribute to a poor relationship with food.

The first time you tackle this 30-day challenge can be tough. Here are my eight top tips for crushing the Whole30 and changing your relationship with food for the better:

1. Read Labels Before You Eat

In order to completely eliminate the potentially problematic foods as outlined in the Whole30 Diet, you need to know exactly what you’re eating. Gluten, dairy, and added sugar are hidden in all kinds of foods and you’d never know it unless you read every label. For instance, ketchup is full of sugar, and you can find gluten in vitamins and herbal supplements. Bonus: Double checking labels is one habit that Whole30’ers all say has stuck with them long after their program is over, helping them stay healthy and be more mindful of their food choices—for good.


2. Plan the Next Few Day’s Meals

Having a meal plan for the next three days or so can help you stay on track. The brain loves a plan, so you’ll be less stressed. Plus, you’ll save money by only buying the fresh food you need. When I’m roasting veggies, I make sure my oven is full with two trays, and use them throughout the week. I also keep a list of three “emergency meals” I can make quickly with foods I always have on hand, like scrambled eggs, steamed spinach, and avocado, for nights when I’m too tired to think about what’s for dinner. You can find some of my favorite Whole 30 meal ideas on the @whole30recipes Instagram feed.

3. Tell Your Friends and Fam What You’re Doing and Why

Support is critical to your Whole30 success. It’s much easier to stick to your guns while eating out or at a party if those around you have your back. So before you even get started, tell your friends and family members why you are completing the Whole30, what you hope to achieve, and what your eating will look like for the next 30 days. Tell them that their support is important to you and share ways they can encourage you, like texting to ask how you’re doing throughout the month or not offering you a morning bagel with cream cheese like they usually do. Completing the program with a friend, spouse, or co-worker can help keep you motivated and accountable, but if you don’t have anyone to complete the diet with, try connecting with other Whole30’ers in our forum or Facebook page.

4. Don’t Replace the Junk Food You Crave with Whole30 Food

Cravings are usually fueled by our emotional responses to food, which is why I strongly discourage people from replacing their old, unhealthy foods with healthier versions in order to satisfy cravings. For example, skipping the granola bar and eating a dried-fruit-and-nut bar continues to feed the cravings and the habits. I’ve found that the average craving lasts for three to five minutes, so I use that time to call on my support network, tidy up the house, go outside for a walk, or read a few pages of a book. Over time, you’ll break your habits. Case in point: I used to overeat junk food, like popcorn, peanut MMs, and ice cream with hot fudge all at once, when I was really overtired or anxious. Thanks to the Whole30, I’ve since replaced that behavior with healthier, “treat yo’self” indulgences like taking a long bath, curling up with a good book, or getting a 90-minute massage. Learning to recognize what I am feeling and remind myself that a cookie isn’t going to fill that hole has been huge for me, and now I have a dozen other ways I can make myself feel better without the overconsumption.


5. Eat Protein, Whole Carbs, and Healthy Fats at Each Meal

On the Whole30, eating a balanced meal promotes overall health and keeps you well fueled to help prevent cravings. Start things off with a moderate portion of healthy protein, like a palm-sized portion of chicken, salmon, or steak; three whole eggs; or a can of salmon or tuna. Next, add a generous helping of vegetables (try a mixed greens salad or roasted veggies). Feel free to add a smaller portion of fruit (like adding diced apples into your chicken salad), then make sure that you’ve also incorporated some healthy fat into your meal. You could cook your eggs in coconut oil, drizzle an olive oil-based dressing over your salad, or integrate some olives or cashews into your meal.

6. Choose Two Macronutrients to Fuel Your Workout

On this diet, you should never go hungry, which can break down your resolve and heighten temptation to reach for sugar-filled foods. To combat hunger, aim to eat three meals each day. If you follow the meal structure listed above, you shouldn’t need to snack. However, if you decide that you need to, I recommend eating a small snack before your workouts—make it a mini-meal, with at least two out of the three macronutrients. Choose carbs and fat (like raw veggies dipped in guacamole), protein and carbs (like two hard-boiled eggs and an apple), or protein and fat (like some deli turkey and a handful of olives).

RELATED: This Is Why You’re So Freaking Hungry When You’re Trying to Lose Weight

7. Stay Off of the Scale

While I encourage women to take pictures and/or body measurements before and after completing the Whole30, it’s best not to weigh or measure yourself during the program. Your focus should be on listening to your body rather than getting caught up with your weight.