7 Weight-Loss Mistakes You’re Making At Work Every Day

Sure, being the first one at your desk might give you a jumpstart on your task list (and a smug feeling as you watch late coworkers scamper in). But starting the day without any fuel sets you up for a mid-morning energy crash, says nutritionist Rania Batayneh, MPH, author of The One One One Diet. As a result, you’ll end up scrounging for calories wherever you can find them—like those break-room pastries that always seem to appear on your weaker willpower days.

It’s worth waking up a few minutes earlier to give yourself enough time to eat a healthy breakfast at home, Batayneh says. Any combination of protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats is a good call. Think scrambled eggs with veggies and whole grain toast, or oatmeal with 2% milk, a tablespoon of nuts, and some fruit. No time to sit at home and manga? Pack a portable option, such as a low-sugar granola bar (like these ones), paired with two hard-boiled eggs and a ¾ cup of berries.

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