7 Women Share What It Was Really Like to Be Diagnosed With An STD

There’s a ton of information about STDs floating around the internet that can make you feel like getting diagnosed with one is a death sentence. In reality, most STDs are treatable—but still, getting a diagnosis is never easy. With rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis at record highs, it’s more important than ever to educate yourself about what you might have to deal with one day. Over 20 percent of people have an STD at any given time and 50 percent of sexually active young adults will get an STD before they turn 25, according to the American Sexual Health Association. 

Scary stats aside, the good news is that effective treatment, including medications that help manage genital herpes and HIV/AIDS, is available. The key to taking care of an STD is knowing when you have one. Know your risk factors, always use protection, and get educated on the symptoms. Plus, don’t forget regular screenings as many STDs don’t show any symptoms at first. These seven women share what they learned when they got their diagnoses.