9 Weight Loss Traps to Avoid at All Costs

How frustrating is this one? How depressing is it to go to your doctor’s office, hear your weight, and be told you’re obese according to the body mass index (BMI) chart. “I’d like you to start eating healthy and lose at least 50 pounds,” your doctor says. “Have a good day. Next!”

Well, that wasn’t helpful. You think, I’m trying, but nothing works. I hate the scale and I hate you, doc. Let’s get one thing straight—health is not weight. They are not synonymous. Weight is just one of many measurements, including lab values such as triglycerides, glucose, and C-reactive protein, behaviors such as exercise and sleep cycles, and more that can help assess one’s true health status and risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and even eating disorders. 

I don’t like weight scales. They don’t accurately gauge health or percent of body fat. The specific number on the scale reflects just a moment in time. It’s the trend of those numbers and how quickly the numbers fluctuate that may provide insight into your health status. Remember that losing too much weight can be just as unhealthy as gaining too much weight too quickly. 

Remember: Health and happiness matter more than the number on the scale. Feel confident and celebrate yourself the way you are. Be your own best friend. Forget the scale and focus on eating well, moving often, and being mindful of the many gifts and talents you share with the world, which is your real worth as a human being.