Actress Kimberly McCullough Opens Up About Her Miscarriage

“General Hospital” star Kimberly McCullough shared her journey suffering a miscarriage in a touching blog post. 

In the post published Sunday, McCullough shared some of “the best and the worst” moments of her year in 2015.

McCullough felt her “year was made” last January when she was offered an opportunity to direct an episode of ABC’s TV show “Pretty Little Liars,” she wrote. 

But “the best day” of her life was finding out she was pregnant with a girl.

“That was probably the best day of my life thus far, the one I will remember as ‘having it all,’” the actress wrote. “It was the night before my first day of shooting. I was prepared. I was fulfilled.”

At 22 weeks, McCullough learned she had lost her baby girl. 

“My heart was so full and then it broke,” she wrote. “I had lost my baby girl. It was too much. I didn’t need to learn this lesson. I wasn’t interested.”

And while the actress said she doesn’t believe things happen “for a reason,” she is proud that she “relished” in her happiness during the time she was pregnant. 

“Not to go total Oprah on you, but at the end of this year and the beginning of the next, I am grateful for it all. Tired. But grateful,” she wrote. 

Read her full blog post here. 

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