Austria finds corpses of wild ducks with bird flu

VIENNA (Reuters) – Bird flu has been found in the corpses of wild ducks near Austria’s border with Germany and Switzerland, Austrian authorities said on Tuesday, adding there was no evidence the virus could be transmitted to humans.

Five ducks with the H5N8 subtype of the virus were found near Lake Constance, a health ministry spokesman said. Further measures would be decided once it was clear how pathogenic the cases were.

Wild migrating birds can transmit bird flu to farmed poultry. Containment measures are being coordinated with German and Swiss authorities and could include banning farmers from allowing poultry outdoors, the ministry said.

Hungary’s food safety authority said last week it had found traces of bird flu at a poultry farm in eastern Hungary and would destroy 9,000 turkeys to protect nearby populations from a strain it said was harmless to humans.

(Reporting by Shadia Nasralla; editing by Andrew Roche)