Authorities in China Are Cracking Down on Rampant Sexy Banana-Eating

According to the BBC, China’s Ministry of Culture is cracking down on the sexy live webcasts that are “harming social morality” with their allegedly pornographic banana content.

These live videos—usually featuring young women entertaining a predominantly male audience—are increasingly popular in China. And, according to the BBC report, a good chunk of the entertainers and viewers are underage. So that might explain the crackdown on the sexually suggestive vids.

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The new regulation mandates that live-streaming sites monitor their content 24/7 to put the kibosh on all that unsavory banana-consuming. The law also bans wearing stockings or suspenders while filming live streams. Noted.

Meanwhile, here in the U.S., you can feel free to gobble down an entire fruit bowl while wearing thigh-highs and post it to Instagram, if that’s your thing. God bless America.  

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