Dare To Be 100: And Yet It Moves

“And yet it moves” is a phrase attributed to Galileo Galilei in 1633.In his book ” On the Shoulders of Giants; the Great Works of Physics and Astronomy” Stephen Hawking proposes that the statement was uttered when Galileo was being transferred from house arrest to another home in the hills above Florence. These words were found on a Spanish painting by the Spanish painter Bartolome Esteban Murillo that had been completed within a year or two of Galileo’s death in 1642. The painting depicts Galileo in the dungeon gazing at the wall of his prison cell on which are scratched the words “and yet it moves.”
Galileo is commonly considered to be the father of modern science. He made major contributions to physics, astronomy, cosmology, mathematics, and philosophy. He invented an improved the telescope that let him to observe the moons of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn, the phases of Venus, sunspots, and the rugged surface of the moon.
Pope Urban,VIII, had confronted Galileo asking him to give arguments for and against Copernicus and his espousal of heliocentrism. The Pope took offense, and Galileo was summoned to Rome where he was placed on trial in September 1632. Under the threat of torture he was pressured eventually to admit that he had been a defender of Copernicus he was forced to recant. The Inquisition delivered its verdict on June 22, and Galileo was found to be “vehemently suspect of heresy, holding the opinion that the sun lies motionless where i the earth was not the center and moves contrary to Holy Scripture. He was required to “abjure, curse, and detest” those opinions. He was sentenced to formal imprisonment at the pleasure of the Inquisition. He was committed to house arrest where he remained for the rest of his life. Galileo was ordered to read seven penitential psalms once a week for the next three years.
On October 30, 1992, more than 350 years after the church condemned Galileo Pope John Paul II rectified one of the churches most infamous wrongs and persecution of the Italian astronomer Galileo with a formal statement at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. The Pope closed a 13 year investigation into the Churchs condemnation the dispute between the Church and Galileo has long stood as one of history’s great emblems of conflict between reason and dogma, between science and faith.The Vatican’s formal acknowledgment that it does not serve as the final arbiter of faith as a supreme mea culpa. John Paul II said that the scientist was “imprudently opposed”. The head of the current investigation said ” we know today that Galileo was right in adopting the Copernican astronomical theory.
Yes, and yet it does move.