Day services benefit patients with Alzheimer’s disease

Day services–programs designed to provide stimulation in a safe environment during the day for adults with physical and mental impairments–may help improve the cognitive function of adults with Alzheimer’s disease, according to a study published in Psychogeriatrics.

The study included 161 adults with Alzheimer’s disease in Japan who were divided into two groups according to whether they started use of day services or not. Participants’ cognitive function was assessed with what’s known as the Mini-Mental State Examination. The exam includes tests of orientation, attention, memory, language, and visual-spatial skills.

“We found a significant improvement over six months in the Mini-Mental State Examination scores of day service users, reflecting improved cognitive function,” said lead author Yasuyuki Honjo, MD, PhD, of the Kyoto Miniren Asukai Hospital, in Japan.
