DR MICHEAL MOSLEY reveals his lockdown larder tips

Corn fritters, avocado and tomato salsa and feta

Some supermarkets do still seem to have avocados – but this Mexican-inspired dish is just as punchy without. 

Serves two

? 1 large tin of sweetcorn, drained

? Two spring onions, finely chopped, if you can find them

? 2 tbsp flour

? 1 egg

? Half a tsp baking powder

? 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

? 1 lime or half a lemon, juiced

? Half an avocado, roughly chopped, alternatively use chopped cucumber, or leave it out

? 2 tbsp tinned tomatoes, drained slightly (or 2 medium tomatoes, roughly chopped)

? 30g feta or other cheese

Put the sweetcorn, onion, flour, egg, baking powder and some seasoning in a food processor and pulse until combined.

Heat a non-stick frying pan and cook spoonfuls of the mixture for two minutes on each side.

Meanwhile, mix the olive oil, lime juice and some seasoning together in a bowl to make a dressing and mix in the avocado and tomato.

Serve the fritters with the salsa and crumble over the feta. 

Some supermarkets do still seem to have avocados - but this Mexican-inspired dish is just as punchy without Some supermarkets do still seem to have avocados - but this Mexican-inspired dish is just as punchy without

Some supermarkets do still seem to have avocados – but this Mexican-inspired dish is just as punchy without

Spiced salmon with pea and herb pilaf and raita

If you can’t get hold of fresh salmon fillets, it’s really no drama. Tinned pink or red salmon is just as good a source of protein and healthy fats, and just as tasty.

Serves four

? 2 tsp curry powder

? 2 tbsp olive oil

? Two tins of salmon, or other oily fish (or ? 4 fresh salmon fillets, if you can get them)

? 1 onion, finely chopped

? 500g cooked wholegrain rice

? 200g frozen peas, defrosted

? 2 tsp dried mixed green herbs – parsley, coriander or mint if available

? 1 lime, juiced

? 100g full fat natural yogurt

? 1/2 cucumber, finely chopped

Preheat the grill to high.

Mix the cumin, coriander, chilli powder, 1 tbsp of olive oil and some seasoning together then use to coat the salmon. Cook under the grill for 2-3 minutes on each side.

Heat the remaining olive oil in a pan and cook the onion for 5-8 minutes until soft then add the rice, peas, herbs and some seasoning. Stir for 1 minute to heat through then squeeze over half the lime juice.

Mix the yogurt, cucumber, remaining lime juice and some seasoning together and serve with the salmon and rice. 

If you can’t get hold of fresh salmon fillets, it’s really no drama. Tinned pink or red salmon is just as good a source of protein and healthy fats, and just as tasty If you can’t get hold of fresh salmon fillets, it’s really no drama. Tinned pink or red salmon is just as good a source of protein and healthy fats, and just as tasty

If you can’t get hold of fresh salmon fillets, it’s really no drama. Tinned pink or red salmon is just as good a source of protein and healthy fats, and just as tasty

Spiced chicken, tomato chickpeas

This is a fantastic family meal – and feel free to use frozen chicken, thoroughly defrosted of course.

Serves four

? Pinch of chilli powder

? 2 tbsp olive oil

? 4 chicken breasts

? 2 x 400g can chickpeas, drained and rinsed

? A can of tomatoes (cherry tomatoes, if you can, or any decent Italian type) drained slightly

? 100g frozen spinach, defrosted

? 1 tsp white or red wine vinegar

Preheat the grill to high. Mix the chilli powder, most of the olive oil and some seasoning together then coat the chicken and grill on a baking tray for 4-6 minutes on each side or until cooked through. Rest for 5 minutes before slicing.

Mix the tomatoes, chickpeas, spinach, vinegar, remaining oil and some seasoning together in a saucepan, over a low heat, for about 20 minutes.

Serve with the chicken.

This is a fantastic family meal – and feel free to use frozen chicken, thoroughly defrosted of course This is a fantastic family meal – and feel free to use frozen chicken, thoroughly defrosted of course

This is a fantastic family meal – and feel free to use frozen chicken, thoroughly defrosted of course

Oven baked ratatouille with cracker crust

You can get bags of mixed Mediterranean veg, which include peppers, courgettes, aubergines, and other lovely things, but if these aren’t available where you shop, any mixed veg will do.

Serves four

? 2 tbsp olive oil

? 2 tsp onion granules (or 1 onion, finely chopped)

? 2 tbsp garlic paste (or 2 cloves of garlic, finely sliced)

? 2 tsp dried mixed herbs (or any combination of basil, thyme, rosemary, oregano)

? 500g frozen mixed vegetables, ideally Mediterranean

? 400g can chopped tomatoes

? 8 crackers, blitzed into a powder

? 50g parmesan, finely grated

Preheat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas mark 6.

Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan and cook the onion for 6 minutes then add the garlic and dried herbs and cook for another minute. Then add the frozen vegetables and cook for 5 minutes until they have defrosted and started to turn golden. Pour in the tomatoes plus half a can full of water. Season well then pour everything into an oven dish. Mix the blitzed-up crackers and parmesan then sprinkle over the top and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes until bubbling and the topping is golden and crisp. Serve with some bread. 

You can get bags of mixed Mediterranean veg, which include peppers, courgettes, aubergines, and other lovely things, but if these aren’t available where you shop, any mixed veg will do You can get bags of mixed Mediterranean veg, which include peppers, courgettes, aubergines, and other lovely things, but if these aren’t available where you shop, any mixed veg will do

You can get bags of mixed Mediterranean veg, which include peppers, courgettes, aubergines, and other lovely things, but if these aren’t available where you shop, any mixed veg will do

Beetroot, feta and lentil warm salad

If you can get your hands on fresh beetroot, then great. They do keep for ages. But any available veg will do – particularly carrots, which have that same sweetness.

Serves two

? Small bunch parsley, finely chopped or 1 tsp dried parsley

? 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

? 1 tbsp Balsamic or red wine vinegar

? 3 large cooked beetroot, alternatively use roasted carrots, peppers or other available vegetables

? 250g tinned lentils

? 100g frozen spinach, defrosted and squeezed of excess moisture

? 50g feta or 100g of halloumi lightly fried or 50g fried diced bacon

Whisk together the olive oil, balsamic vinegar and some seasoning then stir through the parsley.

Pour this over the beetroot and lentils and mix well. Divide the rocket between four bowls, then add the beetroot mix and crumble over the feta/halloumi/bacon to serve. 

If you can get your hands on fresh beetroot, then great. They do keep for ages. But any available veg will do – particularly carrots, which have that same sweetness If you can get your hands on fresh beetroot, then great. They do keep for ages. But any available veg will do – particularly carrots, which have that same sweetness

If you can get your hands on fresh beetroot, then great. They do keep for ages. But any available veg will do – particularly carrots, which have that same sweetness

Spiced tomato daal

This is a brilliant store-cupboard dinner that’s cheap, simple – and gives a great hit of protein, thanks to the lentils.

Serves four

? 4 tbsp vegetable or coconut oil

? 1 onion

? 2 tbsp garlic paste, or 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped

? Thumb size piece of ginger, finely chopped or 2 tsp ginger paste

? 2 tsp dried coriander

? 300g lentils

? 400g tin chopped tomatoes

? 800ml vegetable stock (from stock cubes)

? 100g frozen spinach

? ½ tsp chilli flakes (optional)

? 4 tbsp. desiccated coconut (optional)

? 1 tbsp curry powder

Heat half the oil in a medium saucepan and add the onion with a pinch of salt.

Add the garlic, ginger and curry powder and cook for two minutes.

Add the dried coriander, lentils, stock and tomatoes then simmer for 20 to 25 minutes or until the lentils are fully cooked.

Mash the lentils with the back of a wooden spoon then stir through the frozen spinach (don’t worry about defrosting, the extra moisture will quickly evaporate away). Keep warm while you do the next bit.

Heat the remaining coconut oil in a small pan then add the chilli flakes and coconut, if using.

Cook for one minute.

Stir in the tomatoes and cook for two to three minutes. Keeping two tablespoons aside, stir the mixture into the daal. Serve in bowls with the remaining coconut mixture spooned on top.

This is a brilliant store-cupboard dinner that’s cheap, simple – and gives a great hit of protein, thanks to the lentils This is a brilliant store-cupboard dinner that’s cheap, simple – and gives a great hit of protein, thanks to the lentils

This is a brilliant store-cupboard dinner that’s cheap, simple – and gives a great hit of protein, thanks to the lentils